The Country Place Resident
As a Country Place resident, you have the right to privacy and to the use of your property.
Accordingly, as a member of the Association, you have a responsibility to respect the rights of your neighbors while using your property, the general common areas and the community facilities.
Condominium living is like an old-fashioned marriage—for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health—consequently, you must accept the responsibility for such things as keeping your garage door closed, refraining from parking in other than designated areas, refraining from allowing your pets to run loose and obtaining approval to modify the exterior of your unit or the adjacent common grounds. Modification requests are required for most alterations. Many are listed in the following sections of this handbook.
While some of the following rules and regulations may be seen as restrictive, they are intended to protect your legal rights as a member of the Association. Repeated violations of these rules will result in assessment of penalties and/or fines established by your elected Board of Directors.
When purchasing a unit in our condominium community, we each agree to accept and to be legally bound by the Master Deed, the By-Laws, these Rules and Regulations, and our Articles of Corporation. Whether a co-owner or a renter, residents have a responsibility to acquaint themselves and other household members with the importance and value of observing these rules and regulations. This handbook will help you understand the guidelines for our community.